Nuance Security AI APIs

Build with biometrics

Get started with AI‑powered voice biometrics. Explore our tutorial to learn how you can design and create your own voice authentication solution through Nuance Gatekeeper.

Experience the same voice authentication technology that is used by hundreds of organizations worldwide.

Discover our Security AI APIs

Nuance Gatekeeper overview

Nuance Gatekeeper is a cloud-native biometric security solution. Through Gatekeeper, organizations streamline and protect customer and agent interactions with seamless, secure biometric authentication and intelligent, proactive fraud prevention.

Gatekeeper is built on the fastest and most accurate voice biometrics engine in the world—the Nuance Lightning Engine—layered with behavioral biometrics, conversational biometrics, call validation, anti-spoofing, environment detection, and other technologies.

Ready to build? Get started with our step‑by‑step tutorial