
Editing Dragon's Vocabulary

The Vocabulary Editor allows you to view and edit the list of words Dragon understands.

To open the Vocabulary Editor window

  • Say Edit Vocabulary.
  • Click the Dragon menu icon in the menu bar and select Edit Vocabulary...

The Vocabulary list

When you first open the Vocabulary Editor, you will see all existing vocabulary items in the list. Vocabulary Editor window

  • Items marked with a Built-in vocabulary item icon are part of the built-in vocabulary.
  • Items marked with a User vocabulary item icon are vocabulary items you created.

You can click All, Built-In, or User at the top of the window to narrow the list of vocabulary shown.

You can also filter the list by using the Search field. Click the Search icon in the search field to select the type of search:

  • Contains
  • Begins with
  • Ends with

Both the written and spoken forms are searched. For example, a Contains search for "dash" lists "balderdash," because its written form contains "dash," but also "—," because its spoken form is "em-dash."

To empty the search field and display the full vocabulary list, click the Clear search field in the search field or press the Esc key when the search field has focus.

Adding a User vocabulary item

You can add words, short phrases, abbreviations, or other items to the User vocabulary for your profile.

  1. Click the Add User Vocabulary Item button at the bottom left corner of the window.
  2. In the popup dialog, type the word, as written, in the dialog. (Example: 21st)
  3. To add a description of how the word is spoken, click Advanced and enter the spoken form of the word. (Example: twenty-first)
  4. Click OK.

If you do a search and no match is found, Dragon will give you the option to add the term to your User vocabulary. Click Yes to create a vocabulary item with your search term as the written form.

Once you have clicked OK or Yes, you can edit or train the new item, if needed.

Add User vocabulary

Editing a vocabulary item

To edit an item in your vocabulary, select the item in the vocabulary list. You will see details about that vocabulary item in the panel to the right:

  • Written form: How the vocabulary item is written in a document. This field can't be edited.
  • Spoken form: Enter a spoken form if the item's written form differs from its pronunciation. For example, the written form, "21st," is spoken "twenty-first."
  • Type the spoken form and press Return. You should see a dialog warning that any recorded training for this word will be erased – click OK.

You can't edit the spoken form of a built-in vocabulary item.

Vocabulary Editor

Alternate Forms

Optionally, you can provide alternative written form of the word, such as an abbreviation. For example, a user named Sandee, could follow the steps below to add "Sandee" as an alternate form of "Sandy."

  • Search for Sandy.
  • Click Sandy in the list on the left-hand side of the window.
  • In the Details panel on the right, click the Add Alternate Form button under Alternate Forms.
  • In the pop-out dialog, enter "Sandee" (or any other preferred spelling) as the String.
  • Click the Add button.

Now, Dragon will automatically enter Sandee rather than Sandy.

Once you have created an Alternate Form, you will see it listed under Alternate Forms.

  • Click the checkbox next to an Alternate Form to enable or disable it.
  • Click the Edit button next to an Alternate Form to edit it in a pop-out dialog

Adding an alternate form

More settings

The Vocabulary Editor window info area also displays automatic formatting settings such as capitalization and spacing for the vocabulary term and the words around it.

Training a vocabulary item

If a vocabulary item is not being recognized correctly, you might wish to train the pronunciation of the item so that Dragon can learn how you pronounce it.

  1. Select the vocabulary item from the list.
  2. Click the Action menu icon and select Train.
  3. You will see a dialog explaining the training process. Click Train to begin.
  4. You will see a dialog like the one to the right.
  5. Say the word or phrase three times, pausing in between. A section of the bar will turn green as Dragon recognizes each repetition of the word.

  6. You will see a dialog confirming that the training is complete. Click Close.

Dragon will incorporate the recording into your voice model.

Vocabulary Training

Deleting a user vocabulary item

To delete a vocabulary item from your user profile, select the word and do one of the following:

  • Press the Delete key.
  • Click the Action menu icon and select Delete.

A dialog appears confirming that you want to delete the item.

Exporting vocabulary items

You may want to export user vocabulary items to share them with another profile. For example, if you are using Dragon in an office, you might have a specialized vocabulary you want to share with other users.

To export vocabulary:

  1. Select the item(s) you want to export from the vocabulary list.
  2. Click the Action menu icon and select Export.
  3. Name the file and decide where to store it.
  4. An XML file is created.

Importing vocabulary items

  1. Click the Action menu icon and select Import.
  2. Choose an exported XML file.