Posting to Facebook and Twitter

Dragon can post status updates and tweets to Facebook and Twitter without the applications having to be open. To use the Facebook and Twitter post commands, you must have selected the Enable Facebook post commands and the Enable Twitter post commands check boxes in the More commands dialog box.

You can post only plain text to Facebook and Twitter. Facebook posts are limited to 420 characters, and Twitter posts are limited to 120 characters.

Facebook—To post the last text you dictated or selected:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Say "Post That to Facebook".

    The Post to Facebook dialog box opens.

  3. Optionally edit your text.

    You can say "New Line" to add a line in this dialog box.

  4. Click OK.

    The Facebook login dialog box opens.

  5. Specify your Facebook account login name and password.
  6. Click Log In.

    Dragon posts your status update.

Facebook—To dictate text to post:

  1. Say "Post to Facebook <status>".

    The Post to Facebook dialog box opens.

  2. Optionally edit your text.

    You can say "New Line" to add a line in this dialog box.

  3. Click OK.

    The Facebook login dialog box opens.

  4. Specify your Facebook account login name and password.
  5. Click Log In.

    Dragon posts your status update.

Twitter—To post the last text you dictated or selected:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Say "Post That to Twitter".

    The Post to Twitter dialog box opens.

  3. Optionally edit your text.

    You can say "New Line" to add a line in this dialog box.

  4. Click OK.

    The Twitter login dialog box opens.

  5. Specify your Twitter account login name and password.
  6. Click Log In.

    Dragon posts your tweet.

Twitter—To dictate text to post:

  1. Say "Post to Twitter <tweet>".

    The Post to Twitter dialog box opens.

  2. Optionally edit your text.

    You can say "New Line" to add a line in this dialog box.

  3. Click OK.

    The Twitter login dialog box opens.

  4. Specify your Twitter account login name and password.
  5. Click Log In.

    Dragon posts your tweet.


Related procedures

Additional information

Installing and enabling the Dragon Web ExtensionAbout the Dragon Web Extension
Working with Chrome 
Working with Internet Explorer