Dictating bullet points or numbered lists

Tutorial: How do I create bullet points or numbered lists?

There are several ways to use the bulleting or numbering supported by applications such as Outlook or PowerPoint. As for all formatting (font style, indents, capitalization, etc.), we suggest you focus first on capturing your thoughts fully. For instance, to create a numbered list, first dictate your points then edit them, including reordering, as warranted, then select the list and make it numbered.

Note: the command “Undo That" can be particularly helpful when formatting text.

To bullet the selection or the current paragraph:

Say "Make That Bullet Style".

To number the selection or the current paragraph:

Say "Make That Numbered".

To remove bulleting or numbering from the selection or the current paragraph:

Say "Make That Not Bullet Style" or "Make That Not Numbered".

To begin and end a list:

  1. Place the cursor where you want the list to begin.
  2. Say "Make That Bullet Style" or "Make That Numbered".
  3. Dictate your points, saying "New Line" as needed to start a new point.
  4. Once your list is complete, end it by saying "Make That Not Bullet Style" or "Make That Not Numbered".

Related procedures

Additional information

Formatting font type, size, and styleDictation basics
 Dictation guidelines