The Object Browser

The Object Browser shows information about all the special data types that are available.

Click the Browse Object tool on the MyCommands Advanced Scripting dialog box toolbar to display the ActiveX Automation Members window.



Library list

Lists all the type libraries.

DataType list

Lists all the special data types.

Methods/Properties list

Lists all the methods and/or properties for the current data type.

Info area

Displays the method/property name, result or value and the dispatch id. (A Methods/Properties item must be selected for this to be visible.)

Help area

Displays a description of the method or property. The question mark (?) button is enabled if the object's method/property has help file information. The "Help String" shows a short description of the method/property.

Parameters list

Lists all the parameters for the current method/property. (A Methods/Properties item must be selected for this to be visible.)

Back button

Returns to the previous path shown.

Path edit box

Displays the object browser's current path. (A Methods/Properties item must be selected for this to be visible.)

Paste button

Pastes the current method/property into the edit or immediate window.

Close button

Closes the object browser window.