The UserDialog Editor dialog box

The UserDialog Editor dialog box allows you to create and modify dialog boxes.

Click the Edit UserDialog tool on the MyCommands Advanced Scripting dialog box toolbar to display the UserDialog Editor dialog box.

In the code, a UserDialog is described by a Begin Dialog...End Dialog block. To graphically edit a UserDialog, place the current selection in a UserDialog block and click on the Edit UserDialog tool.

The top row of icons in the UserDialog window has the following components, which you can use to edit the contents of a dialog box:



Edit Item Properties

Edits the selected item's properties. Hot key: Enter


Deletes the selected item. Hot key: Del


Moves the selected item to the Clipboard. Hot key: Ctrl+X


Copies the selected item to the Clipboard. Hot key: Ctrl+C


Pastes the Clipboard item in front of the selected item. Hot key: Ctrl+Z

Move In Front (towards End Dialog)

Moves the selected item in front. Hot key: Ctrl+Up

Move Behind (towards Begin Dialog)

Moves the selected item behind. Hot key: Ctrl+Down

Select Behind (towards Begin Dialog)

Selects the item behind the selected item.

Select In Front (towards End Dialog)

Selects the item in front of the selected item.

Set Grid

Changes the grid settings. Hot key: Ctrl+G

Save and Exit

Saves the UserDialog and exits the UserDialog editor.

The gallery on the left has the following options, listed from left to right and top to bottom. To add a control to your UserDialog, click this control's item in the gallery, then "draw" the control on the UserDialog grid.




Selects, moves, or edits item mode.

Add GroupBox

Adds a GroupBox item.

Add Text

Adds a Text item.

Add TextBox

Adds a TextBox item.

Add CheckBox

Adds a CheckBox item.

Add OptionButton

Adds an OptionButton item.

Add ComboBox

Adds a ComboBox item.

Add ListBox

Adds a ListBox item.

Add DropListBox

Adds a DropListBox item.

Add Picture

Adds a Picture item.

Add OKButton

Adds an OKButton item.

Add CancelButton

Adds a CancelButton item.

Add PushButton

Adds a PushButton item.