Dictation commands



Lines and paragraphs


New Line

Adds a new line.

New Paragraph

Adds a new paragraph.

Press Enter

Adds a carriage return.



Caps On

Starts capitalizing the first letter of each word.

Caps Off

Stops capitalizing the first letter of each word.

Cap <word>

Capitalizes the first letter of a specific word.

Cap That or Capitalize That

Capitalizes the first letter of each word in the last words you said.

Cap Selection or Capitalize Selection

Capitalizes the first letter of each word in the text you selected.

All Caps On

Starts capitalizing all letters.

All Caps Off

Stops capitalizing all letters.

All Caps That

Capitalizes all letters in the last words you said.

All Caps Selection

Capitalizes all letters in the text you selected.

No Caps On

Starts lower-casing all letters.

No Caps Off

Stops lower-casing all letters.

No Caps <word>

Lower-cases a specific word.

No Caps That

Lower-cases all letters in the last words you said.

No Caps Selection

Lower-cases all letters in the text you selected.




Inserts a space before or after a word or character.

No Space On

Starts dictating text with no space in between words.

No Space Off

Stops dictating text with no space in between words.

No Space <word>

Dictates a word with no space before it.



Tab or Tab Key

Inserts a tab before or after a word.




Forces dictated numbers to appear in numeral form ("4") rather than in text form ("four").

Roman Numeral

Dictated numbers appear in roman numeral form.



Quote That

Inserts quotes before and after the last words you said.

Quote Selection

Inserts quotes before and after the text you selected.



Bracket That

Inserts brackets before and after the last words you said.

Bracket Selection

Inserts brackets before and after the text you selected.



Hyphenate That

Inserts a hyphen between the last words you said.

Hyphenate Selection

Inserts a hyphen between the text you selected.

Compound words


Compound That

Compounds the last words you said.

Compound Selection

Compounds the text you selected.

8/7/2018 2:29 PM