Working with multiple text matches

Multiple text matches can occur when you say a text command, such as "Bold <text>", and Dragon finds multiple instances of that text. When there are multiple matches, numbers appear next to each instance. To complete the action, you'll need to tell Dragon which instances to change.

For multiple text matches to occur, you must have selected the Enable multiple text matches option on the Options dialog box—Commands page.

To select one instance:

Say "<number>" or "Choose <number>".

To select all instances:

Say "Choose All".

To undo all revisions:

Say "Undo All".

Dragon reverts the last revisions made to your dictation using the "Choose All" command.

Dragon can only revert up to 25 revisions made with the Correct command and 50 revisions made with the Bold, Italicize, Underline, and Delete commands.

To cancel text matches:

Say "Cancel".

Dragon removes the numbers.


Related procedures

Additional information

Formatting font type, size, and style Options dialog box—Commands
Capitalizing text  
Selecting and deselecting text  

8/7/2018 2:29 PM