Auto-Formatting dialog box

Settings>Auto-formatting Options

Use the Auto-Formatting dialog box to specify automatic formatting rules that Dragon applies to text, such as email addresses and dates. Changing these options affects only the current user profile.

Option Description

Automatically format text

If selected, allows Dragon to format specific text automatically as you dictate, such as email addresses and contractions. In addition, when you select auto-formatting rules and you attempt to edit text that Dragon automatically formatted, Dragon prompts you.

If deselected, you must be specific in your dictation to format text.

Default value: Selected

Web and E-mail addresses

If selected, enables Web address and email address formatting. This allows you to dictate the addresses as you would normally say them. For example, if you say "jane dot smith at my adventure travel dot com" Dragon types ""

If deselected, Dragon does not format web and email addresses automatically.

Default value: Selected

Street addresses

If selected, enables postal address formatting. For example, if you say "49 orchard lane boston massachusetts oh two four four six," Dragon enters "49 Orchard Lane, Boston, MA 02446."

Some addresses can be hard for Dragon to interpret. For example, Dragon could interpret "Two Hundred Forty Fifth Street" as 245th Street, 200 45th Street, or 240 5th Street. In this case, Dragon uses context to determine what you meant. Sometimes, using the word "and" can help. For example, saying "Two Hundred And Forty Fifth Street" eliminates 200 45th Street as a possibility.

If your user profile region setting is UK or Canada: This option also enables formatting for UK postcodes and Canadian postal codes.

If your user profile region setting is United States: You can enable UK postcodes and Canadian postal codes from the UK and Canadian postcodes option in this dialog box.

If deselected, Dragon does not format street addresses automatically.

Default value: Selected

Abbreviate titles

If selected, Dragon inserts abbreviated version of titles in Dragon's abbreviated titles list automatically. For example, "Mr." for "Mister".

If deselected, Dragon does not abbreviate titles automatically.

Default value: Selected


If selected, Dragon formats dates automatically when you dictate the month, day, and year. Use the Dates as Spoken drop-down list to select your date format.

Formatting dates with Dragon is dependent on your date settings in the Windows Control Panel. If you are using a different region and language in your user profile than in the Control Panel, Dragon uses the settings in your user profile.

If deselected, Dragon does not format dates automatically.

Default value: Selected

Common Abbreviations

If selected, Dragon recognizes most standard abbreviations while transcribing your dictation. For example, when you say "versus", Dragon writes "vs.".

If deselected, Dragon does not format abbreviations automatically.

Default value: Deselected

Expand Contractions

If selected, Dragon expands spoken contractions. For example, if you say "Don't cross the street", Dragon writes "Do not cross the street".

When contractions are ambiguous, Dragon always expands the contraction, regardless of this setting. For example, if you say "It's always", you might mean "It is always" or "It has always".

If deselected, Dragon does not expand contractions automatically.

Default value: Deselected

"million" instead of ",000,000"

If selected, Dragon writes the word "million" instead of 1,000,000 when you dictate round numbers in the millions.

If deselected, Dragon writes 1,000,000.

Default value: Selected

Numbers, if greater than or equal to

If selected, Dragon formats numbers:

  • As numerals when they are greater than or equal to the value in the drop-down list. For example, "5" when you say "five".
  • As words when they are less than or equal to the value. For example, "five" when you say "five".

You must select a value from the drop-down list.

If deselected, Dragon does not format numbers automatically.

Default value: Selected, with value 10

Units of measure

If selected, Dragon formats units of measure, such as feet and inches, automatically. For example, if you say "Six Foot Three Inches", Dragon writes 6' 3".

If Dragon does not format a unit of measure in the way you expected, you can use Word Properties dialog box to use an alternate form.

If deselected, Dragon does not format units of measure automatically.

Default value: Selected

ISO currency codes

If selected, Dragon displays currency amounts with the International Standards Organization currency symbol corresponding to the region and language set for your Windows operating system or, if different, for your user profile. For example, when your region is set to United States and you say "ten dollars", Dragon writes "USD10".

If deselected, Dragon does not format currency amounts with ISO standards automatically.

Default value: Deselected

Phone numbers

If selected and your user profile region setting is United States or Canada, Dragon formats North American telephone numbers automatically when you say a sequence of seven or ten numbers. For example, when you say "7815551212", Dragon writes "781-555-1212".

Dragon cannot automatically format phone numbers with letters, such as "1800EXAMPLE". In addition, Dragon cannot format US phone numbers automatically when your user profile region setting is UK.

If your user profile region setting is UK, Dragon formats UK telephone numbers automatically.

If deselected, Dragondoes not format phone numbers automatically.

Default value: Selected


If selected, Dragon formats prices and currencies with the appropriate currency symbol. For example, when you say "ten dollars", Dragon writes "$10". Supported currencies are USD ($, US$), CAD (C$), EUR (€), JPY (¥), GBP (£), CHF (F).

Dictating currency with Dragon is dependent on your currency settings in the Windows Control Panel. If you are using a different region and language in your user profile than in the Control Panel, Dragon uses the settings in your user profile.

If deselected, Dragon does not format currency automatically.

Default value: Selected


If selected, Dragon formats times using standard or military time formats. For example, if you say "Six Thirty PM", Dragon writes "6:30 PM". If you say "sixteen hundred hours", Dragon writes "1600 hrs".

If deselected, Dragon does not format times automatically.

Default value: Selected

UK and Canadian postcodes (U.S. English only)

If selected, Dragon formats UK postcodes and Canadian postal codes automatically. For example, if you say "W Two Four R J", Dragon writes "W2 4RJ".

If deselected, Dragon does not format UK and Canadian postcodes automatically.

Default value: Deselected

Other numbers

If selected, Dragon formats all other numbers automatically, such as negative numbers, fractions, and decimals. For example, "-1" for "negative one".

If deselected, you must dictate the appropriate punctuation.

Default value: Selected

U.S. Social Security Numbers (U.S. English only)

If selected, Dragon formats US social security numbers automatically when you say a sequence of nine numbers. For example, when you say "123456789", Dragon writes "123-456-789".

If deselected, you must dictate hyphens between the numbers by saying "Hyphen".

Default value: Deselected

Insert two spaces after period

If selected, Dragon adds two spaces at the end of sentences automatically.

If deselected, Dragon adds only one space.

Default value: Deselected

Allow pauses in formatted phrases

If selected, enables automatic number and phrase formatting when you pause while saying them.

If deselected, automatic number and phrase formatting may not take effect if you pause.

Default value: Selected

Caps Lock key overrides capitalization commands

If selected, allows you to use the Caps Lock key instead of the following commands:

  • "Cap <word>", "No Caps <word>"
  • "Caps On", "No Caps On"
  • "Caps Off", "No Caps Off"
  • "All Caps <word>", "No Caps <word>"
  • "All Caps On", "All Caps Off"

If selected, allows you to use the Caps Lock key instead of Dragon's capitalization commands.

If deselected, you must use Dragon's capitalization commands.

Default value: Deselected

Restore Defaults

Click to restore default values for settings on this tab.


Additional information
About Auto-Formatting rules