Using the Extras Toolbar

The Extras toolbar provides quick-access controls for the following popular features:

  • Playback
  • Read That
  • Transcription
  • Correction menu

The Extras toolbar is available only on the Classic DragonBar.

To open the Extras toolbar:

Click the Extras toolbar icon (Show Extras button) or say "Show Extras Bar".

To close the Extras toolbar:

Click the Extras toolbar icon (Hide Extras button) or say "Show Extras Bar".

The following table describes the Extras toolbar controls:

Control: Use to:
Open the Correction menu and correct dictation during playback.
Start playback button Start playback.
Stop playback button Stop playback.
rewind button Rewind playback.
fast forward button Fast forward playback.
read dictation button Have Dragon read your dictation.
Transcribe button Transcribe a recording.
open user profile button

Open a different user profile.

This button displays the name of your current user profile. It's located next to the Transcribe button.

This button is visible only in DragonBar docked to Top mode or DragonBar docked to Bottom mode.

Related procedures

Additional information

Working with the DragonBar About Playback
Playing back dictation The DragonBar