If audio quality is low

If Dragon detects an issue with low-quality audio, one of the following audio quality warnings appears:

  • Low-quality audio/Poor signal: Appears when you are working in a very noisy environment or if there is a problem with microphone positioning or operation, or with your computer's sound card.
  • Bluetooth dropouts: Appears when your Bluetooth microphone battery is low or when you have moved beyond the range of your device.
  • Signal Clipped: Appears when you are dictating too loudly or if there is a problem with microphone positioning or operation, or with your computer's sound card.

Note: You can still save your user profile if you receive any of these error messages. Dragon excludes any low-quality audio from adaptation.

Check the following to resolve the problem:

  • Ensure the microphone is positioned properly and has not moved away from where you originally positioned it when you ran the Check Microphone wizard. For more information, see Microphone tips.
  • Minimize background noise. Many microphones have noise canceling capabilities, which filter out background noise, but it's still a good idea to keep background noise consistent.

9/20/2018 2:53 PM