Creating Auto-Text commands

Auto-Text commands are custom voice commands for inserting specific content into a document, which you define. It can include text and graphics.

Do not include private or sensitive information in Auto-Text commands. This information is visible to anyone who might execute the command.

Why you should use Auto-Text commands

Use Auto-Text commands for content you re-use frequently in your documents. They save time and effort, and reduce errors.

Typical uses include:

  • If you write a lot of business letters, use an Auto-Text command to insert your address and company logo.
  • If your work involves creating reports in a certain format, use an Auto-Text command to insert a template of details you need to include.
  • If you frequently generate appointment notices that require you to specify a date, time, and location, you can create an Auto-Text command with variable fields for those details, and even include prompts and default values.

To create an Auto-Text command

  • To create a simple Auto-Text command, from the DragonBar, select Tools>Command Center>Add New Auto-Text and enter the details in the Auto-Text Editor dialog.
  • To create a more complex Auto-Text command, go to the DragonBar and select Tools>Command Center>Add New Command and enter the details in the MyCommands Editor.

For more information, see MyCommands Editor—Auto-Text

Related procedures

Additional information

Creating Auto-Text commands About custom commands
Working with custom commands Options dialog box—Miscellaneous
Working with custom commands MyCommands Editor—Step-by-Step dialog box
  MyCommands Editor—Advanced Scripting dialog box

6/21/2018 1:43 PM