Dictating bulleted or numbered lists

There are several ways to apply bullets and numbering to text. This topic describes the easiest method to begin and end bulleted and numbered lists.

Say "Undo That" to remove the last text formatting you applied.

To bullet the selection or current paragraph:

Say "Make That Bullet Style".

To number the selection or current paragraph:

Say "Make That Numbered".

To remove bulleting or numbering from the selection or current paragraph:

Say "Make That Not Bullet Style" or "Make That Not Numbered".

To dictate a list:

  1. Place the cursor where you want the list to begin.

  2. Say "Make That Bullet Style" or "Make That Numbered".

  3. Dictate a line.

  4. Say "New Line", and then dictate text.

    Add lines and dictate your list as needed.

  5. Say "Make That Not Bullet Style" or "Make That Not Numbered" to end your list.


4/30/2019 11:11 AM