Manually removing user profiles after uninstalling Dragon

When you uninstall Dragon, your user profiles remain on your local drive after uninstallation. You can optionally remove them.

To remove user profiles:

Do the following:

  1. Open Windows Explorer (Windows 7, 8.1) or File Explorer (Windows 10).
  2. Specify the following, and then press Enter:


    The Users\Username\Appdata\Local folder opens.

  3. Navigate to Nuance\NS15\Users.
  4. Right-click the user profiles that you want to delete, and then select Delete.

If you upgraded from a previous Dragon release, Dragonmoves your standalone user profile from the %ProgramData% folder to the %LocalAppdata% folder automatically when you open your user profiles after the version 15.5 upgrade. If Dragon failed to move your user profile, Dragon renames your user profile to [userprofilename].dgnren and the profile remains in the %ProgramData% folder. You must delete this user profile from the %ProgramData% folder.

Do the following:

  1. Open Windows Explorer (Windows 7, 8.1) or File Explorer (Windows 10).
  2. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking15\Users.
  3. Right-click the user profile that you want to delete, and then select Delete.

To remove Roaming user profiles:

Do the following:

  1. Open Windows Explorer (Windows 7, 8.1) or File Explorer (Windows 10).
  2. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking15\RoamingUsers\<display name>\<username>.
  3. Right-click the user profiles that you want to delete, and then select Delete.


Related procedures

Additional information

Working with user profiles About user profiles
  About Roaming user profiles