Agent efficiency


Help your agents have their best day every day

Nuance agent efficiency solutions augment your contact centre teams with powerful AI, so they can offer fast, effective support that increases customer satisfaction and revenue.

Make it easier for agents to serve your customers

Every contact centre’s success hinges on the performance of its agents. But with contact volumes rising, there’s growing pressure on agents to resolve questions faster.

Nuance AI solutions for agents improve agent efficiency and productivity and lower costs while reducing turnover rates and ramp‑up times. With contextual, real‑time recommendations, it’s like having a new AI colleague, always on hand to help your agents quickly resolve even the most complex customer cases.


Augment your agents with new AI superpowers

With AI-based solutions from Nuance, your agents can bring their A‑game every day.


Empower agents to work smarter

Nuance solutions help your agents deliver faster, more effective service—and help your contact centre deliver lower costs and greater revenue.

Real-world business outcomes


increase in agent


seconds reduction
in AHT


agent satisfaction

How did Agent Coach benefit you?

We asked 45 agents at a large telco how Nuance Agent Coach helped them serve customers better.

"It helped in assisting the customers easily, as the next best action or script were readily available." - Agent #7
"It helped me in saving time and giving the best chat experience to our customers." - Agent #13
"It really helped me to save my time and it helped me engage the customer well." - Agent #22
"Made it easier to answer customers' questions and to handle two chats." - Agent #33

The Nuance difference

Help agents focus on what matters—providing the very best service for your customers.