Voice-to-Digital IVR call deflection

Get more customers onto the digital channels they prefer

Nuance Voice‑to‑Digital makes it simple to deflect callers to digital channels—so they get fast, effective resolutions, and you get lower contact centre costs.

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Put the hold music on hold

Many customers would prefer to resolve their needs on digital channels, when available, rather than call—and none of them want to waste time listening to hold music. But often, they don’t even realise digital is an option.

Nuance Voice‑to‑Digital uses AI‑based self‑service and call deflection capabilities to move callers to digital channels that are less expensive for you and more convenient for your customers.

Advanced Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and transcription transform your IVR into a responsive, proactive channel by accurately capturing caller needs and deflecting them to digital channels for faster resolution and an improved experience.


Create an IVR that sends customers to better channels

Nuance Voice‑to‑Digital enables you to move callers to lower‑cost channels—the digital channels that many customers would prefer to use anyway.

Guide: Mind The IVR Gap Thumbnail
Datasheet: Deflect more calls thumbnail


What you get with Nuance Voice‑to‑Digital

Shifting callers to digital channels helps keep costs down, but it’s also a way to give your customers options—and let them take control over how they engage with your brand.

Transition customers to digital channels

Learn how IVR to Digital Solutions can help reduce long hold times and contact centre costs while delivering a better customer experience.

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