Global compliance and ethics

Ensuring compliance to earn your trust

Transforming how people connect with technology—and each other—starts with people trusting technology. For Nuance, that means establishing clear policies, procedures, and protocols to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Where principles meet protocols

The Nuance Compliance Program is based on trust and integrity. In everything we do—every insight, interaction, and innovation—we act with integrity and ensure our organization effectively and ethically maintains compliance. The compliance program establishes:

  • Oversight by a Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Privacy Officer.
  • A Code of Conduct outlining our ethical standards and policies.
  • The Nuance Ntegrity Helpline for confidentially reporting concerns.
  • A Global Compliance Training Program to reinforce our values.
  • Strict protocols for monitoring and auditing the compliance program.
  • Clear procedures to enforce and respond to compliance issues.

Our guide to what’s right

The Nuance code of business conduct and ethics helps our employees and executives make the right decisions and take the right actions in different situations. We’re sharing it so you can see what guides our daily interactions—with each other, with our customers, and as we engage competitors, vendors, shareholders, government regulators, and the community at large. View our Code of Conduct(pdf. Open a new window)

Nuance's third party code of conduct sets forth our guidelines and expectations for the third parties with whom we work to provide our solutions and services, to ensure that they share our values, treat others with respect and reflect the same high ethical standards. View our Third Party Code of Conduct(pdf. Open a new window)

Learning the rules to work by

Our online Global Compliance Training Program educates employees and partners on company-wide rules, values, and behavioral expectations—while encouraging open and honest discussion. Training topics include:

  • Code of Conduct
  • Insider training
  • Cybersecurity
  • Anti-corruption
  • Global data privacy
  • HIPAA fundamentals
  • Nuance reporting hotline
  • Antitrust and competition law
  • Healthcare fraud and abuse

Ensuring equal access to our technology

Nuance is firmly committed to universal accessibility—and we’re dedicated to improving the accessibility of our products while creating new and better technologies accessible to all. Following Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, we perform ongoing product reviews to address accessibility of our technology.

Report any concern with confidence

The Nuance Ntegrity Helpline empowers customers, employees, vendors—or anyone—to confidentially report concerns or complaints through a secure server managed offsite by NAVEX Global. The tool helps us address alleged fraud, abuse, and other misconduct believed to be unethical, dangerous, or a violation of policy or law. All to stay in compliance, maintain a safe workplace, and uphold the standards set in our Code of Conduct.

Visit the Nuance Ntegrity Helpline(Open a new window) or call (+1) 384-4277 to make a confidential report.