Options dialog box—PowerMic tab

Use the PowerMic tab in the Options dialog box to change the default functionality of the buttons on your PowerMic. This tab is only visible if you have set up a PowerMic as a dictation source for your user profile, and it is plugged in to your computer.

The settings on this tab only affect how the PowerMic operates with your user profile. Other user profiles are unaffected.

Application-based functionality

You can set PowerMic buttons to behave one way when you use the PowerMic in the Dictation Box and another way when you use it anywhere else. Because of this, it's important to be sure you choose one of the following from the Application menu before making any changes:

Dictation Box Select this to view and change button settings for the Dictation Box.
Global Select this to view and change button settings for all other uses.

Button defaults

Each button has a default setting, which you can override by clicking the Actions menu.

Unless otherwise specified, the defaults shown in the table below are the same for both Global and Dictation Box uses.

Button Default command

Global: Show Dictation Box

Dictation Box: Transfer Text

Tab Backward Tab backward
Tab Forward Tab forward

Note: Press and hold while speaking. After you release the button, Dragon keeps recording until you stop speaking, which can affect your transcribed text. To avoid problems, hold the button until you have stopped speaking, then release it and remain quiet for a moment.

Rewind Previous field
Fast Forward Next field
Stop/Play Accept defaults
Custom Left

Global: Force command recognition

Dictation Box: Press Cancel button

Enter/Select None
Custom Right Force dictation recognition

Note: If you are using a PowerMic III, you can assign additional buttons by clicking Additional at the bottom of the tab. For more information, see Additional PowerMic Options.

Reassigning buttons

Select an action from the Action drop-down list to assign a different command to each button. Dragon groups your choices into categories under several sub-menus.

To reassign a button:

  1. In the Application menu, choose Global or Dictation Box.
  2. Select an action from the Action drop-down list for the button you want to change.
  3. Choose a sub-menu, then select a command. Each sub-menu and its contents are described below.
  4. (Optional) If you are using a PowerMic III and you want to configure additional buttons, click Additional.


This sub-menu includes commands for accessing two important Dragon interfaces.

Command Functionality
Show DragonBar menu Opens the DragonBar menu currently selected.
Show dictation box Opens the Dictation Box.


This sub-menu includes actions for managing a dictation session.

Command Functionality
Microphone on/off Toggles the microphone between on and off.
Show correction window Opens the Correction window.
Microphone sleep/on Toggles the microphone between On and Sleep mode.

Turns the microphone on while pressed; turns the microphone off when released.

Note: After you release the button, Dragon keeps recording until you stop speaking, which can affect your transcribed text. To avoid problems, hold the button until you have stopped speaking, then release it and remain quiet for a moment.

Train new word Opens the Add word or phrase dialog box.
Transcribe recording

Opens the Transcribe a spoken recording dialog box.

Note: If you have not yet created a transcription source for the current user profile, Dragon will prompt you to do so, first.

Transfer Text

Note: You only see this command when the Application menu is set to Dictation Box.

Transfers text from the Dictation Box into your document.


This sub-menu includes commands for moving the cursor, for changing which element is selected or has focus (for example, a window, button, or menu), and for executing an action linked to an element (like clicking a button).

Command Functionality
Skip backward Moves the cursor or focus one step back.
Skip forward Moves the cursor or focus one step forward.
Press OK button Same as clicking the OK button.
Press Cancel button Same as clicking the Cancel button.
Tab forward Moves the cursor or focus to the next element or field.
Previous field Moves the cursor to the previous field.
Next field Moves the cursor to the next field.
Accept defaults Leaves default value unchanged for the current field.

Tab backward

Moves the cursor or focus to the previous element or field.

Recognition modes

This sub-menu includes commands for changing the current recognition mode.

Command Functionality
Force normal recognition Switches to Dictation & Commands mode. (On the Classic DragonBar, this is called Normal mode.)
Force dictation recognition Switches to Dictation mode.
Force command recognition Switches to Commands mode.
Force numbers recognition Switches to Numbers mode.
Force spell recognition Switches to Spell mode.
Cancel Recognition When pressed, acts as a hot key that halts dictation recognition processing that is in progress. Useful when unexpected noises interfere with dictation, like background noise, a telephone call, or a sneeze.


This sub-menu includes commands for controlling audio playback of dictation

Playback Plays audio of current dictation.
Fast Playback Speeds up audio playback of current dictation.
Fast forward Advances audio playback of current dictation.
Rewind Rewinds audio playback of current dictation.

User Commands

Use this to choose any command available in the Command Browser to that button. To specify the command you want, do one of the following:

  • Select one from the list of recently used commands shown.
  • Click Specify, then say or type a command. Make sure the command exists in the Command Browser. Otherwise, nothing will happen you press the button.

Restore default settings

To reset all items to their default settings, click Restore defaults.

Save your changes

Click OK to save your changes.


Related procedures

Additional information

Additional PowerMic Options  
The Options dialog box