Dictating punctuation and special characters
You can enter punctuation marks and special characters as you dictate.
For most of what you'll dictate, just say “period,” “comma,” and “question mark” in the appropriate places as you dictate.
Use the following table when you need to dictate other punctuation or special characters.
Tutorial: How do I get Dragon to include punctuation?
Tutorial: How do I create bullet points or numbered lists?
To enter |
Say |
To enter |
Say |
ampersand |
* |
asterisk |
’ |
apostrophe |
’s |
apostrophe ess |
@ |
at |
` |
backquote |
' |
begin single quote |
' |
close single quote |
" |
open quote |
" |
close quote |
" " |
empty quotes |
U.S./Canada: [] Other than U.S./Canada: () |
empty brackets |
"<text>" |
quote that quote selection |
[<text>] |
bracket that bracket selection |
\ |
backslash |
/ |
forward slash |
: |
colon |
: |
numeric colon |
, |
comma (optional) |
, |
numeric comma |
^ |
caret |
... |
ellipsis |
-- |
dash |
° |
degree sign |
. |
dot |
. |
$ |
dollar sign, or dollar, or dollars |
© |
copyright sign |
= |
equal sign |
€ |
euro-sign or euro or euros |
U.S./Canada only:
£ |
? |
question mark |
® |
registered sign |
§ |
section sign |
; |
semicolon |
(space) |
space bar |
(tab) |
tab key |
~ |
tilde |
_ |
underscore |
| |
vertical bar |
Other than U.S./Canada:
Other than U.S./Canada:
All Dialects:
All Dialects:
left angle bracket
less than sign
right angle bracket |
> |
greater than sign |
open euro quote |
close euro quote |
minus sign |
% |
percent sign |
+ |
plus sign |
:-( |
frowny face |
:-) |
smiley face |
;-) |
winky face |