Dictating legal citations and section numbering

You can only dictate legal citations and section numbering if you are using Dragon Professional Legal.

Type Examples

Legal citations

Dragon capitalizes many common legal terms, proper names, and phrases automatically. In many cases, you might not need to say "Cap".

To dictate legal citations:

Say the citation. Dragon abbreviates and adds punctuation automatically.

Example 1

Say: two hundred sixty two Alabama two hundred eighty five nineteen eighty seven


Say: two sixty two Alabama two eighty five nineteen eighty seven

Result: 262 Ala. 285 (1987)

Example 2

Say: five california appeals fourth one


Say: five california court of appeals fourth one


Say: five california appeals court fourth one

Result: 5 Cal. App. 4th 1

Example 3

Say: six eighty seven atlantic second forty seven pennsylvania commonwealth court nineteen ninety six

Result: 687 A.2d 47 (Pa. Commw. Ct. 1996)

Example 4

Say: one four six appellate division second five three seven

Result: 146 A.D.2d 537

Example 5

Say: two twenty three US patent quarterly three sixty five nineteen ninety

Result: 223 U.S.P.Q. 3d 365 (1990)

Example 6

Say: federal rule of criminal procedure one

Result: Fed. R. Crim. P. 1

Legal section numbering

You can say "Sub" or "Parens" to dictate subsections.

To dictate legal section numbering:

Say the numbering as you would conversationally.

Example 1—Uppercase subsection letter

Say: ten sub c


Say: ten parens c

Result: 10(C)

Example 2—Lowercase subsection letter

Say: ten sub lowercase c


Say: ten parens lowercase c

Result: 10(c)

Example 3—Subsection number

Say: ten sub seven


Say: ten parens seven

Result: 10(7)

Example 4—Multiple subsections

Say: ten sub seven sub eight sub c


Say: ten parens seven parens eight parens c

Result: 10(7)(8)(C)

Related procedures

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