Using display modes

You use display modes to change the DragonBar's screen location and appearance.

New DragonBar display modes

Display Mode: Effect: To switch to this mode:
Tray Icon only
  • Removes the DragonBar from your screen.
  • Places a microphone icon in your Windows system tray.

Do one of the following:

  • Select DragonBar>Tray Icon only.
  • Say "Change DragonBar to Tray Icon Only Mode".

Classic DragonBar display modes

Display Mode: Effect: To switch to this mode:
DragonBar docked to Top
  • Docks the DragonBar to the top of your screen.
  • Expands to the width of your screen.

Do one of the following:

  • Click the Dragon icon (), and then select DragonBar docked to Top.
  • Say "Switch DragonBar to Docked to Top Mode".
DragonBar docked to Bottom
  • Docks the DragonBar to the bottom of your screen.
  • Expands to the width of your screen.

Do one of the following:

  • Click the Dragon icon (), and then select DragonBar docked to Bottom.
  • Say "Switch DragonBar to Docked to Bottom Mode".
Floating DragonBar
  • Floats the DragonBar and allows you to reposition it.
  • Condenses the size of the DragonBar.

Do one of the following:

  • Right-click the Grip or the titlebar, and then select Floating DragonBar.
  • Say "Switch DragonBar to Floating Mode".
Clinging DragonBar
  • The DragonBar clings to the top left of the active window.
  • Stays docked to the active window.
  • Condenses the size of the DragonBar.

The Extras toolbar is not available in this mode.

Do one of the following:

  • Click the Dragon icon (), and then select Clinging DragonBar.
  • Say "Switch DragonBar to Cling Mode".
Tray Icon only
  • Removes the DragonBar from your screen.
  • Places a microphone icon in your Windows system tray.

Do one of the following:

  • Click the Dragon icon (), and then select Tray Icon only.
  • Say "Switch DragonBar to Tray Icon Only Mode".

Related procedures

Additional information

Working with the DragonBar The DragonBar
  Using the Extras Toolbar
  Dragon's microphone
  Using recognition modes