Using a barcode

When you create or modify a Dragon user profile to use the Dragon Remote Microphone Application, Dragon displays a barcode on your computer screen.

You can use the barcode to transfer the user profile name, computer name or IP address and port number the Remote Microphone application needs to communicate with Dragon.

To capture the barcode from the Dragon Remote Microphone application:

  1. For Apple devices, tap Settings>Manual Entry.
    For Android devices, press the Menu button, then tap Settings>Manual Entry.
  2. Tap Use a Barcode.
    The Dragon Remote Microphone application opens the camera on your device.
  3. Point the camera at the barcode.
    The camera captures the barcode and fills in the network information on the Manual Entry screen automatically. You do not have to open your device's camera software.

Related procedures

Additional information

Using Bonjour with the Dragon Remote Microphone Application About using your mobile device as a dictation source
Configuring your mobile device as a dictation source