Web browser basics

Important: Please keep in mind that Dragon’s capabilities differ among Web browsers.

Text in italics represents words or numbers that can change.

Tutorial: Can I use Dragon on the web?

Starting your browser



Start Internet Explorer

"Start Internet Explorer"

"Start Microsoft Internet Explorer"

Start Google Chrome

"Start Google Chrome"

"Start Chrome"

Instead of "start," you can also say "open," "launch" or "show".

Navigating the Web

Please note that not all of these commands work in all browsers. See the Command Browser for more information.



Move the insertion point to the Address Bar

"Go to Address Bar"

(Internet Explorer only. For Chrome, you can say "press Alt d.")

See also Internet Explorer Commands.

Go to the URL in the Address Bar

"Click Go" or "Go There"

(Internet Explorer only. For Chrome, you can say "press Enter.")

Refresh the current page from the Web

"Refresh page" or "Reload page"

(Internet Explorer only. For Chrome, you can say "press F5.")

Click a button

"Click" followed by all or part of the button name.

If there are multiple matches, Dragon displays a number next to each one. Say the number of the button you want to click. A red arrow points to your choice and then Dragon clicks it.

Click a link that is a word or phrase

"Click" followed by the link text or part of the text.

If there are multiple matches, say the number of the link you want to click, or say the text for the link. A red arrow highlights your choice and then Dragon opens the link to the associated Web page.

Click on an image that is a link

Say "Click" and the text that appears when the mouse pointer moves over the image, for example, "Click Dragon" if "Dragon" is the text that appears.

Stop loading a Web page

"Stop Loading" (Internet Explorer only)

Load the previous page in the history list

"Go Back" (Internet Explorer only)

Load the next page in the history list

"Go Forward" (Internet Explorer only)

Load your home page

"Go Home" (Internet Explorer only)

Open a browser tab in a new browser window

"Open this in a new window" (Internet Explorer only)

Open a currently displayed Web page in another browser tab that stays in the background

"Open this in a background tab" (Internet Explorer only)

"Open this in a new tab"

Activate the Favorites and RSS icon in IE9, 10, and 11

"Click Favorites" (Internet Explorer only)

Using tabs



Open a new tab

"Add a New Tab"

"Open a New Tab"

"Create a New Tab" or

"press control t"

Close the tab

"Close This Tab" or

"press control w"

Go to the next tab

"Go to the Next Tab"

"Switch to the Next Tab"

"Move to the Next Tab"

Go to the previous tab

"Go to the Previous Tab"

"Switch to the Previous Tab"

"Move to the Previous Tab"

Go to the first tab

"Go to the First Tab"

"Switch to the First Tab"

"Move to the First Tab"

Go to the last tab

"Go to the Last Tab"

"Switch to the Last Tab"

"Move to the Last Tab"

Go to the [nth] tab

"Go to the Third Tab"

"Switch to the Third Tab"

"Move to the Third Tab"

Bookmark all open tabs

"Bookmark All Tabs" (Chrome only)

Clicking page elements and entering text

The Dragon Web Extension allows you to click the elements on the page, such as buttons and links, by voice. If you do not install and enable the Dragon web extension, you cannot click page elements by voice; in addition, Full Text Control is not available for dictation in the browsers and Web applications. Without the extension, you'll need to click Web page elements using your mouse and keyboard, and dictate content using the Dictation Box.

To use the commands below, you'll need to install the extension for your browser. For more information, see Installing and enabling the Dragon Web Extension.



Show all places on the page where you can enter text

"Click Type Text"
"Click Edit Box"


"Click Text Field"

Show all check boxes on the page

"Click Check Box"

Show all images on the page with links

"Click Image"

Show all buttons on the page

"Click Button"

Show all links on the page

"Click Link"

Show all radio buttons on the page

"Click Radio Button"

Show all boxes on the page with lists of choices

"Click List Box"

Open a list of choices

"Show Choices"

Close a list of choices

"Hide Choices"

Choose an entry from a list of choices

"Choose <text>," for example, "Choose Hardware Compatibility Guide." Saying "Choose" is optional.


You can use most text selection commands when you work with text that you enter in a Web form.

Moving around a Web page



Move the page down by a screen

"Page Down"

Move the page up by a screen

"Page Up"

Move down to the bottom of the page

"Scroll Down"

Move up to the top of the page

"Scroll Up"

Move the page down by a few lines of text

"Line Down"

Move the page up by a few lines of text

"Line Up"

Display the top of the current page

"Go To Top"

Display the bottom of the current page

"Go To Bottom"

Start automatic downward scrolling

"Start Scrolling Down"

Start automatic upward scrolling

"Start Scrolling Up"

Stop automatic scrolling

"Stop Scrolling"

Increase the rate of automatic scrolling

"Scroll Faster"

Decrease the rate of automatic scrolling

"Scroll Slower"

Related procedures

Additional information

Dictating email addresses and web addresses About the Dictation Box
Installing and enabling the Dragon Web Extension About the Dragon Web Extension
Working with Internet Explorer  
Working with Chrome