PowerScribe Follow‑up Manager

Better follow‑up, all around.

See how PowerScribe Follow‑up Manager uses advanced AI‑powered natural language understanding to intelligently identify and extract follow‑up recommendations and make them actionable. This collaborative, automated approach helps radiology teams effectively manage patient follow‑up while improving both clinical and financial outcomes.

Prevent patients from slipping through the cracks

Streamline a proactive approach to track and manage follow-up recommendations.

Follow‑up management is more critical now than ever

Consider an organization that creates 500,000 reports per year. On average, 10% of those reports will have incidental findings and recommendations for additional imaging. If just 10% of those follow-ups occur, or 5,000 studies, the associated revenue for a modality mix of CT and MRI scans would be approximately $1.5M.

Effects of failed follow-up table


Close the loop on patient follow‑up

Help mitigate liability risks associated with failed patient follow‑up and generate new revenue opportunities.

Improve patient care and drive new revenue opportunities

For patients, proper follow‑up can lead to an earlier diagnosis, a better prognosis, and more treatment options. For healthcare organizations, it can reduce risk and boost revenue.

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