

To learn about:

Dictation overview

Dictating into most Windows applications in just three steps.

  1. Open the application you want to use.
  2. Click inside the window or field where you want to dictate.
  3. Turn on Dragon's microphone and speak!
Dictation guidelines The right way to talk to Dragon
Dictating numbers

In most cases you can dictate numbers, including postal codes, as you normally say them. For example:

  • Say: Five point four twenty three
    Result: 5.423
  • Say: May fifteen two thousand fifteen
    Result: May 15, 2015
  • Say: Boston Massachusetts 0 2 1 1 0
    Result: Boston, MA 02110
  • Say: Eight thirty pm
    Result: 8:30 PM
Spelling words and phrases You can spell words and phrases that Dragon misrecognizes. Say "Spell That" immediately after Dragon misrecognizes a word or phrase.
Dictating bullet points or numbered lists

Make the last line you dictated a bulleted list. For example:

  • "Make That Bullet Style".
Dictating punctuation and special characters

You can enter punctuation marks and special characters (also referred to as symbols) as you dictate.For most of what you'll dictate, just say “period,” “comma,” and “question mark” in the appropriate places as you dictate.

Using the Dictation Box

The Dictation Box appears automatically when you dictate into an application not fully supported by Dragon, letting you use all of Dragon functionality.

Working with Smart Format Rules The Smart Format Rules box appears when you edit dictated text that Dragon formatted automatically according to an Auto-Formatting option or word property. When it appears, you can choose an option, or just close the box.
Configuring your mobile device as a dictation source You can dictate using your mobile device. To use your mobile device to dictate, you'll need to install the Dragon Remote Microphone application.
Transcribing recorded dictation Dragon can transcribe your dictation from a digital recorder. You'll need to create a transcription source first.
Playing back dictation Using Playback makes it easier for you to correct dictation mistakes by allowing you to listen to your recorded speech and review and correct your dictation at the same time.
Using Read That The Read That feature allows Dragon to read editable text aloud in a computer voice.
Dictating legal citations and section numbering

You can only dictate legal citations and section numbering if you are using Dragon Professional Legal.