Global privacy—Nuance Ntegrity Helpline

Nuance Ntegrity Helpline

The Nuance Ntegrity Helpline is an integral part of our corporate compliance and ethics program—and a key component of Nuance’s commitment to ethical conduct. The helpline features a category dedicated to inquiries or concerns related to privacy.

To facilitate discussion and detect any potential unethical or unlawful conduct, the Nuance Ntegrity Helpline includes:

  • Anonymity and confidentiality: Although we encourage workforce members to disclose their identity so that a more open and transparent discourse may occur, they are assured of their anonymity if they so choose.
  • No retaliation: We emphasize in training, communications, and practice that no retaliation will come to anyone who uses the Nuance Ntegrity Helpline to inquire or raise a concern in good faith. This is in accordance with our policy as well as federal, state, and international laws.
  • Support from the top: Our leadership sets the “tone at the top” through communications and reiterates that support on a frequent basis. Raising concerns and seeking guidance is encouraged and emphasized at all levels of the organization.
  • Training and communications: We publicize the availability of the helpline to remind workforce members of their responsibility to protect the privacy and security of the data entrusted to us, and to report any suspected variance from that obligation.
  • Accountability: Being good data stewards is to be good corporate citizens, and our values promote comfort in reporting any suspected behavior which does not align with our values.
  • Multiple reporting methods: Workforce members have different avenues to submit questions and raise concerns. Inquiries may be made via telephone, online, email, mail, or by speaking with their supervisor, any member of management, or the human resources or legal departments.

For any cloud-based and on-premise solution, responsibility with respect to data privacy—including access and controls—is shared. Our clients are responsible for configuring Nuance solutions to support compliance efforts and for enforcing applicable policies in their organizations in accordance with applicable requirements.

If you have a privacy inquiry or concern, you may call (866) 384-4277 or make a confidential report.