Queensland Clinical Excellence Showcase, Best Presentation Award – Mackay Hospital and Health Service

Voice to text in the emergency department

Dr Andrew Brier’s presentation at the Queensland Clinical Excellence Showcase

Mackay Hospital and Health Service

Mackay Hospital and Health Service is a contemporary organisation providing extensive health services in a range of regional, community and rural settings, to a population of around 180,000 people.

Mackay Base Hospital is the referral hospital for the region and is one of the most modern healthcare facilities in Queensland. The state-of-the-art facility is equipped with leading edge digital technology.

Over 2000 staff care for more than 81,200 people in the Emergency Department each year and approximately 271,000 Outpatient appointments.

View the presentation

Explore Dragon Medical One

On average I am documenting my patient journey nearly 10 mins faster (than the *average, per patient). So you can see the time savings are going to be drastic, particularly in a very, very busy ED.

*average documentation time per patient of state-wide users of Cerner LightsOn network

Dr Andrew Brier
FACEM, MBBS, Staff Specialist, Emergency Physician


How much more efficient is Dragon Medical One when compared with typing? Dr Brier presents the number of words per minute he dictates and the accuracy of his documentation.
(Watch 3:11min– 3:34min in video)

Quality documentation

Dr Brier speaks about the importance of quality documentation in situations such as complex end of life, child safety and domestic violence discussions and how Dragon Medical One assists.
(Watch 4:03min – 4:44min in video)

Documentation time

How does Dr Brier’s documentation time per patient compare with the statewide average?
(Watch 5:41min-7:18min in video)

Patient notes

Dr Brier creates a patient note using voice, with Dragon Medical One.
(Watch 8:39min-10:09min in video)

Completing orders

See how completing orders can be done by voice, with Dragon Medical One, and the time saved versus clicking and typing.
(Watch 10:10min-11:33min in video)

Easy navigation

How to use Dragon Medical One for navigation within Cerner LightsOn network and to external web pages.
(Watch 11:46min-13:05min in video)

View the ‘Best Presentation’ from the Queensland Clinical Excellence Showcase

Additional quotes

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